The Dutch Newspaper NRC writes ` :.. Three is a Crowd is an addition sum of 4 reputations with a lot of international jazzexperience. In the 12 tracks from the debut CD, seven written by schuster , the rest by Mingus and Corea is an enormous amount of energie and creativity pressed in a miraculous but always natural and atmospheric mixture of powerjazz, blues, latin and funk..." and : " ....In the tunes where he uses his bow, Schuster paints subtle line patterns full of sepia melancholy, who give you goose bumps while listening...."
Another Dutch Newspaper De Volkskrant writes about the CD: " Schuster, a convincing soloist , plays warm and melodic; his bowed lament in Mingus' " Goodbye Pork Pie Hat " sounds like Hendrix` screaming and is courageous and moving.....
The Dutch Magazine " Jazz " writes : ..." listen to the outstanding bowing on " Goodbye Porkpie Hat " by Charles Mingus and the pleasant enthusiasm in his own compositions....." 1991 schuster wins the title " best soloist "at the Middelsea Jazztreffen.
2000 Goudsmit en Trujillo win the " Edison " with the New Cool Collective Big Band. 2004 Schuster graduates from his arranging studies with Henk Meutgeerd en Joan Reinders .